Homeschooling Gyan:
Sharing knowledge about our journey homeschooling in India
Of course, this is the first question people ask when thery hear about our plan to homeschool.  Why??  It is a question that has both a simple answer and a complex answer.
The simple answer is because we think it is the best thing for Big A.
The complex answer is that the two schools she has been in over the last four years have let us down time and time again.  Both schools promised to provide challenges for students who find the work unchallenging.  They did not.  Her current class has 41 students when the school promised a class size of no more than 30-35.  Teachers are for the most part sub-par.  The curriculum is uninspired and dull.  The administration is unable to address even the most basic needs of retaining and drawing inspired teachers.  We feel that Big A is slowly losing her enthusiasm for learning and we want to stop that slide before it is too late!!
We are glad you found us!  This website will document our family's journey through our first year of homeschooling.  We anticipate a year of learning, of ups and downs, of successes and failures.  Most of all we anticipate a year of growth for our entire family.  The members of this expedition include Big A (9), Little A (5), Mom V and Dad V. 

Through this site we will attempt to share the lessons we learn along the way.  To point out areas where we might have done things different and to highlight those areas in which we made the right decision.  We hope you are able to benefit from our experiences.